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Civil and Environmental engineering is a new and unique stream which have a great potential to explore Environmental aspects with a view point from a civil engineer. It is an AICTE approved course and has an affiliation and supervision under the parent University MAKAUT. The syllabus and course is well defined and exist on the MAKAUT web portal. The job field for CVE students is also diverse and a plentiful job opportunities are there.

Why Civil with Environmental? Why not chemical with Environmental? OR Why not Environmental Engineering as a separate B.Tech. program?

We believe Environmental Engineering is too specialized to be offered by itself at the B.Tech. level. It needs a “home” department. Most Environmental Engineering programs in other countries are either in Civil Engineering Dept. or in Chemical Engineering Dept. We prefer to have this course in the Civil Engineering Dept. and rename the Dept. as Civil and Environmental Engineering Dept. Our emphasis will be more on public health than “Chemical and Biochemical processes” which justifies the association with Civil Engineering instead of Chemical Engineering. In the future, if we could add Chemical Engineering it will help both Environmental and Food Technology courses. As the proposed syllabus indicates, only for new subjects need to be developed. The rest of the subjects are already in the list of subject offered by MAKAUT. All of these four courses have been taught by Dr.Sanjay Bhattacharya for several years in USA. Hence, it will be feasible for him to develop these subjects for this new course. 

Academic Objective and Program: Since the course is on Civil and Environmental Engineering, there will be emphasis on both of these areas. The student should have the option to pursue a career in either of these areas.

This course is expected to be very popular. The job prospects should be high. We hope we will be able to “deliver” and make a significant contribution in the field of environmental science and engineering in our Grate State of West Bengal.

Area of Focus: Public health, Alternate Energy Sources, Global Warming, Minimize Waste of Food.

Requirement of lab space and requirement: All labs have been made properly equipped to fulfill the needs of  the syllabus.

Seat Matrix & Reservation Policy 2019:


Name Of the Course Bachelor of Technology in Civil & Environmental Engineering
Total No. of Seats for admission in 2019-20 30
Seats Reserved for Jee-Main Candidates in 2019-20 3
General Category Seats General General & PWD
17 0
SC Category SC SC & PWD
3 0
ST Category ST ST & PWD
2 1
OBC 'A' Category OBC 'A' OBC 'A' & PWD
2 0
OBC 'B' Category OBC 'B' OBC 'B' & PWD
1 1
Total Seats for Admission Through Online Counselling 30